Monday, November 21, 2011

Like Syria, Like Egypt ? Not Quite, But.. !

For months after the fall of Mubarak we all wrote about the Great Egyptian Army, because it stood by the Egyptian Revolution.. How many times we wished the other Arab armies in rebelling countries would act like the Egyptian army. Little did we know that the day would come when we'd see some of the appalling practices by the Syrian thugs / security forces / army now being used in a similar way by their Egyptian peers, acting under the Egyptian Army's Supreme Council of the Armed Forces !  

This video is a true reflection of how they are all alike. A policeman actually shot this video from the policemen's side off Tahrir Square during a confrontation with protesters at whom the policemen are seen shooting live ammunition. And the video was posted on youtube so everyone can see what a great time the policemen and their accompanying thugs are having while killing protesters. This is exactly what Syria's thugs & security / army forces have been doing : posting their own videos of how they humiliate the people and .. sadistically enjoy it.

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