Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Prominent Egyptian blogger's detention extended

Amnesty International
14 November 2011

"Egypt’s military authorities must release a prominent blogger and vocal critic of military rule or immediately transfer him to a civilian court, Amnesty International said today after his detention was renewed.

Activist Alaa Abdel Fattah's detention was extended by 15 days on Sunday, raising fears he may face a grossly unfair trial before a military court. He is facing charges of inciting violence against the armed forces, assaulting military personnel and stealing weaponry.

"The military has yet to present any evidence to substantiate the charges against Alaa Abdel Fattah and are denying him a fair hearing before a civilian court," said Amnesty International.

The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces is proving increasingly intolerant of any criticism of its actions and is abusing the military courts to settle scores.”....."

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