Sunday, November 27, 2011

Syria defiant as Arab League votes for financial sanctions

Tanks head to Homs as crackdown continues despite league's landmark agreement that aims to protect ordinary Syrians

Ian Black, Middle East editor, Sunday 27 November 2011

"Syria is facing stiff sanctions imposed by the Arab League after President Bashar al-Assad refused to allow observers into the country to monitor violence that claimed dozens more lives at the weekend. Arab foreign ministers meeting in Cairo on Sunday agreed a package of measures designed to force Assad to end his security crackdown, free prisoners and launch reforms to find an end to the eight-month uprising.

But there was no sign of any flexibility from a defiant Damascus regime, with opposition sources describing columns of Syrian tanks preparing to advance on Homs, the centre of recent heavy fighting.....

Turkey, which is not a member of the league but is encouraging Arab action, said it would implement the sanctions as well....."

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