Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Syrian army defectors attack intelligence base near Damascus

Attacks on President Bashar al-Assad's military bases come two days after rebels kill 34 soldiers and security officials in Daraa, Wednesday 16 November 2011

"Syrian army defectors have attacked a string of military bases near Damascus, including an intelligence complex on the outskirts of the capital, in the first such reported assault on a major security facility in the eight-month uprising against President Bashar al-Assad.

Members of the Free Syrian Army fired shoulder-mounted rockets and machine guns at the compound run by Air Force Intelligence in Harasta, a suburb of the capital.

A gunfight ensued and helicopters circled the area. The attack appeared to mark an escalation in armed confrontations between government and opposition forces instead of clashes involving street protesters.

"I heard several explosions, the sound of machine gunfire being exchanged," a Hasrata resident told Reuters.

Other attacks targeted military checkpoints in the suburbs of Douma, Qaboun and Arabeen and Saqba....."

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