Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tehran invokes revolutionary fervor

By M K Bhadrakumar
Asia Times

"As the US gathers its flock, including its most reliable sycophant Britain, to move against the Iranian sphere via regime change in Syria, Tehran has taken the gloves off. The downgrading of ties with London moved with such speed that it is obvious it was authorized at the highest levels, as any further attempts at a soft line with the West have been rejected as futile....

All in all, Tehran is left in no doubt that the time has come to switch the Iranian nation into a revolutionary mode. The intrusion into the British Embassy invokes archetypal symbols of defiance and resistance, which are embedded in the Iran's revolutionary consciousness - especially when the collective memory about Britain is summoned. It is Iran's ultimate line of defense - as was the hostage crisis with the US in the months following the revolution when Iran came under siege...."

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