Monday, November 28, 2011

Wife of Bahraini Political Prisoner Condemns U.S.-Backed Regime For Killing, Torturing Protesters

Democracy Now!

"Bahrain has announced a commission to steer reforms after an inquiry found systematic rights abuse during a government crackdown on pro-democracy protests this year, but opposition parties say they will not participate in the commission. Published last week, the 500-page report outlines various abuses committed by King Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa’s government. According to the commission, nearly 3,000 people were detained during the protests and at least 700 remain in prison. Thirty-five people are believed to have died in the unrest between February and March, and 11 more are suspected to have been killed later on. Meanwhile, 20 Bahrain doctors and nurses are being retried by a civilian court today after being convicted by a military court of trying to overthrow the government of Bahrain. Well, for more on the situation in Bahrain, Democracy Now! correspondent Anjali Kamat recently spoke to Bahraini activist Ala’a Shehabi during a trip to Cairo. She is the wife of a Bahraini political prisoner seized and jailed during the uprising...."

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