Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Confronting intimidation, working for justice in Palestine

Ilan Pappe
The Electronic Intifada
27 December 2011

"If we had a wish list for 2012 as Palestinians and friends of Palestine, one of the top items ought to be our hope that we can translate the dramatic shift in recent years in world public opinion into political action against Israeli policies on the ground.

We know why this has not yet materialized: the political, intellectual and cultural elites of the West cower whenever they even contemplate acting according to their own consciences as well as the wishes of their societies.

This last year was particularly illuminating for me in that respect. I encountered that timidity at every station in the many trips I took for the cause I believe in. And these personal experiences were accentuated by the more general examples of how governments and institutions caved in under intimidation from Israel and pro-Zionist Jewish organizations.

A catalogue of complicity.....

Learning firsthand how pro-Israel intimidation works....

Standing up to pressure.....

Do not cave in to intimidation....

Reducing the influence of the United States....

Letting the other America play a role

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