Monday, December 19, 2011

Egypt sees angry responses over military’s “Holocaust” comments

Bikya Masr

"CAIRO: Egyptians are in an uproar over the comments of one of the members of the ruling military council, who said protesters should be burned in “Hitler’s ovens.”

General Abdel Moneim Kato was addressing reporters, who criticized the military for attacking protesters, wondering why they care about a “bunch of kids who should be burned in Hitler’s ovens.”

Potential presidential candidate and human rights defender Mohamed ElBaradei condemned the statement, saying that the general should be in prison and not in power.

He wrote on his personal Twitter account, where almost half a million people follow him on the micro-blogging site, saying that the general’s “kind” should be sent to jail.

Kato also blamed the media for “hanging on to the crust of the issue rather than the important things,” referring to their interest in the death toll instead of the burning of the Scientific Institute that was set ablaze by Molotov cocktails.

Protesters say a military officer in plainclothes was behind the fire.

They identified him and published his picture of him setting the building on fire and his picture in uniform assaulting a female protester."