Saturday, December 3, 2011

Reaction to Democracy in the middle east

So far in the Arab world there seems to be a trend were when people are given the choice to vote the Islamic movements are winning. We saw that recently in Egypt and Tunisia and probably the same thing will happen in Yemen or any Arab country that will hold free elections. Leftists and progressives are freaking out, upset at the outcome of these elections and screaming foul. While I am somewhere between an Agnostic and an Atheist, I do not prefer the influence of religion on our lives, I do have to accept that the majority of people are believers especially in the middle east.

I also have to respect their democratic choices !! I can not scream "I WANT DEMOCRACY" then demonize the results when they do not agree with my ideology or what I perceive as the better choice. Those who believed that we will go from decades of tyranny to a secular, social, tolerant society over night are delusional. The hard work and the real work takes place after the revolution. It takes generations and real economic growth  to achieve a society that will vote what is in its best interest. For now, the majority of Arabs believe that the Islamic movement is their best representative and has their best interest, who am I to tell them : "You are wrong or you are foolish ?"

Let them see what the Islamists have to offer, let us thrive to have a system where power is shared and transfered peacefully, where  NEVER AGAIN  tyranny is allowed to rule us (whether it is secular , nationalistic or religious). After a few elections, people will learn that they can change rule through the election box , we will see organic growth of new movements and political directions that none of us could have predicted or foreseen. For now, let them enjoy their free choice, let them feel empowered, respect their decision and if there is a threat of dictatorship I believe the people will rise again and demand freedom. This new generation has broken the fear barrier and will not be silenced anymore. Finally as Voltaire said :

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

In hopes that they will one day accept my choices like I have theirs.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I do not agree with you. You implied that an Islamic rule is tyrannical and not democratic. If you ever decide to research what the ISLAMIC government regulations are and NOT what Islamic nations have done or are currently doing, you would understand that people aren't perfect but Islam is.
