Thursday, December 22, 2011

There will be NO foreign intervention in Syria

I am glad the SNC forced the AL to send the Syrian issue to the UN. The UN will do nothing but put sanctions and "condem" the Syrian actions. NATO will not interfere with or without a UN resolution and the Syrian people will be left all alone.

Regime apologist will continue to scream murder against the SNC and it's appeal for foreign intervention (despite it not taking place) and turn a blind eye on the atrocities committed (in the name of Palestine or whatever).
Syria under Assad has NEVER been a threat to Israel. It has given Israel reasons to act barbarically under the "we are surrounded by enemies" crap.

Israel and Assad both love this "we are not at peace but we are not at war" status quo. Both benefit from it and have been for decades.
US same way it allowed Saddam to crush the uprising in the south in 91 is allowing Assad to do the same. Of course they will not be vocal like they were with their dictators but truth is at the 3rd week they were at least calling for Mubarak to leave , something that took months for them to utter in Syria.
US and Israel want every country around Israel to be weak and to be a failed state. Syria is heading into that direction.  Installing a puppet regime will not benefit Israel since if Israel is not surrounded by enemies it can not function normally , "in a time of peace the war man attacks himself" and Israel needs war to exist to hold their society into that fabricated identity and Assad has given them that for 40+ years. Israel loves Assad he is keeping Syria at bay without even a peace treaty !!

Saudi and Qatar will continue trying to use Syria against their sectarian war with Shia and Iran but that they will not be able to force Nato into action no matter how hard they try.

Change in Syria could be worse to Israel and the region and both US and Israel want a stable friendly Assad regime barking about resistance and Palestine (he is allowed to do that)
this is why Assad has been given the green light to kill as many syrians as he wishes in order to remain a loyal dog that barks but will never dare to bite.

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