Tuesday, January 24, 2012

24 Iraqi Lives are Worth 3 Months in Jail: US marine reaches plea deal over deaths of unarmed Iraqis

Frank Wuterich, who led the marine squad that killed 24 Iraqis in Haditha in 2005, faces three months' confinement and pay drop

guardian.co.uk, Monday 23 January 2012

"A US marine accused of killing unarmed Iraqi women and children in 2005 has pleaded guilty to dereliction of duty, reaching a plea deal and ending the largest and longest-running criminal case against US troops to emerge from the Iraq war.

Staff sergeant Frank Wuterich led the marine squad in 2005 that killed 24 Iraqis in the town of Haditha after a roadside bomb exploded near a marine convoy, killing one marine and wounding two others.

Wuterich's plea interrupted his trial at Camp Pendleton before a jury of all combat marines who served in Iraq.

Wuterich faces a maximum of three months confinement, two-thirds forfeiture of pay, and a rank demotion to private when he is sentenced, likely to be Tuesday....."

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