Sunday, January 15, 2012

Breaking report: US/Israel military drill cancelled, after US tells Israel to back off

Huge news. Israel Hayom (Sheldon Aldeson's Israeli newspaper) has just reported that the military drill with Israel entailing the deployment of thousands of American troops this spring has suddenly been canceled. Israel Hayom based its report on an Israeli Radio report this afternoon: Set for May, "Austere Challenge 12" was supposed to be the largest drill ever held between the two countries • U.S. Joint Chief of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey to arrive in Israel later this week to receive assurances from Israel that it won't strike Iran.
The cancellation-- if true-- has huge political significance. It would be the culmination of a war of words between Israeli officials and US officials in recent days. Two days ago, the Wall Street Journal reported that the US had warned Israel to back off in its actions and rhetoric re Iran.

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