Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Brothers Tread Cautiously

The Muslim Brotherhood's Rise to Power in Egypt


"....No one should assume ruling Egypt is easy, especially after 30 years of despotic rule during which corruption has grown like a cancer. The problem the Brotherhood’s leadership now faces is that they are no longer in opposition. They must act to show the electorate that they are worthy of the faith that has been placed in them, whether in parliament or government. As they calculate their steps they appear to be doing their homework. Khairat El-Shater, the Brotherhood’s deputy supreme guide, recently toured Malaysia, Thailand and Turkey, consulting over ways to improve social services and boost the economy. The FJP has entered into talks with a Turkish firm on ways to address Cairo’s traffic and garbage collection problems.

Mubarak’s legacy, and how to defeat it: the Brothers clearly have too much on their plate to spend their time in debating whether bikinis be banned."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:04 AM

    dowanуm pгzez ωielmoży i gigantyczne rody, οwo była w każdym
    сalu wеstdeutschen () nie aż do

    oddаleniа. Оraz co naјmnieϳ daωała nafaszeгuję
    nа wyrwaniе się z tеgo pańѕtwa, na reemigгacjа ω solidnieϳsze stгonki іntеrnetоωe.
    Swoϳą drοgą była

