Sunday, January 22, 2012

Egyptian blogger Maikel Nabil Sanad to be released

Bikya Masr

"CAIRO: Jailed Egyptian blogger Maikel Nabil is set to be released, along with 1,959 other jailed Egyptian civilians, according to a report from Egypt’s state-run Al-Ahram newspaper.

Mark Nabil, the brother of Maikel Nabil, confirmed to that the young blogger should be released tomorrow. He explained that those close to Nabil plan to take him directly to a hospital to check the state of his health upon his release.

The Egyptian government has received fierce criticism domestically and abroad for their detention and sentencing of Nabil, who was jailed for comments he made in a blog post entitled “The army and the people are not one hand.”

On April 10, in a case widely seen as the first of its kind in the post-Hosni Mubarak Egypt, Nabil was sentenced to three years in jail by a military court.

The young blogger spent most of his time in jail on a prison hunger strike to protest his treatment in Egypt’s judicial and prison systems....."

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