Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Egypt's revolution has carved its path to parliament

The Egyptian uprising is like the Nile in flood. It cannot be kept back with barriers and uniforms

Ahdaf Soueif, Tuesday 24 January 2012

".....Parliament, as the elected legislative body, can start delivering on a lot of these. If the military allows it. Or if it gets rid of the military. What will become clear over the coming few weeks is how far parliament – or sections of it – will align itself with the aims of the revolution. Will it allow itself to be used as cover or window-dressing for the old regime to carry on as usual under the generals? The Islamists are in the majority now. Will they realise their strength and use it for the good of the country? Or will they remain true to form and handcuff themselves where they perceive power to be?....."

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