Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Goading a regime on the brink

The latest assassination of an Iranian nuclear scientist is identical to earlier killings, but comes at an even more dangerous moment for the region

The Guardian

"Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan was not the first Iranian nuclear scientist to be killed like this. In November 2010, not very far from the scene of today's assassination there were two identical attacks, in which a motorcycle drew up alongside the victim's car while it was in traffic and the riders stuck a magnetic bomb on the door. The bombs detonated as the assassins rode off. ....

Ahmadi-Roshan, who was killed in today's blast, is reported to have held the position of deputy director at the uranium enrichment plant in Natanz, one of the most controversial parts of the programme....

Iranian officials have been quick to blame Israel, and the Israelis have not been going out of their way to avoid suspicion. On Tuesday, the head of the Israeli Defence Force, Lieutenant General Benny Gantz was quoted as telling a parliamentary panel that 2012 would be a "critical year" for Iran in which it would be subject to "unnatural" events.....

"The old guys at the top are losing control of the situation," a senior western diplomat observed, the day before this latest killing. The fragmentation of the regime will have unpredictable, and possibly very violent outcomes. The pressure of sanctions is building. There is a lot of military hardware in the Gulf right now, some of belonging to the regularly Iranian navy and some to the Revolutionary Guards, who have their own agenda. Whoever is killing Iran's scientists is clearly willing to risk catastrophic consequences that could engulf the region."

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