Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Israeli companies can profit from West Bank resources, court rules

Supreme court says international law does not fit the 'reality on the ground' of long-term Israeli occupation

Harriet Sherwood in Kochav HaShachar
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 3 January 2012

"Israeli companies are entitled to exploit the West Bank's natural resources for economic gain, according to a supreme court ruling that says international law must be adapted to the "reality on the ground" of long-term occupation.

The supreme court rejected a petition brought by an Israeli human rights organisation against the quarrying of stone by Israeli companies in the West Bank. Yesh Din claimed that the quarrying was illegal under international law because it exploited the natural resources of the occupied territory for the benefit of the occupying power.

But the court ruled last week that in a prolonged occupation the economic development of the occupied territory could not be frozen indefinitely. It added that the quarrying firms were not destroying the "capital" of the West Bank's natural resources, and were providing employment to Palestinians [Is this not nice and charitable on the part of the occupying power??]......"

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