Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Mubarak charges may be dropped

"SPECULATION is reportedly mounting that charges against ousted Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak could be dismissed as his trial resumes in Cairo.

Mubarak, 83, is charged with corruption and involvement in the deaths of more than 800 protesters during the uprising that toppled his 29-year regime last year.

His sons Gamal and Alaa are simultaneously on trial, as are Mubarak's former security chief and six top police commanders, charged with giving orders to kill protesters in Tahrir Square during the 18-day uprising, during which about 850 people were killed and more than 1000 injured..

Egyptian prosecutors are preparing to present their final arguments at a court in Cairo.

The ailing former leader was brought by helicopter to the Cairo courthouse from a hospital where he is held in custody, and was carried into the courthouse on a stretcher.

The Associated Press reported that the recent acquittal of policemen tried in the killings of protesters could be a prelude to Mubarak's acquittal:

Another Cairo court on Thursday acquitted five policemen of charges of killing five protesters in the capital's el-Sayedah Zeinab district during the January 25-February 11 uprising. The court said three of the defendants were not at the site of the killings while the other two fired on protesters in self-defence.

Lawyers for families of protesters killed say they fear rulings last week will lead to Mubarak's acquittal and have also unsuccessfully sued to have presiding judge Ahmed Refaat and the two other judges, whom they claim are compromised, replaced, according to The Egyptian Gazette, cited by UPI......"

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