Friday, January 6, 2012

Oman must not jail journalists over ‘insult’

5 January 2012

"Amnesty International has urged the Omani authorities to quash the conviction of two journalists and their source after an appeals court last week upheld a guilty verdict against all three on charges of “insulting” the country’s Minister of Justice.

Azzamn newspaper journalist Yusef al-Haj and editor-in-chief Ibrahim al-Maamary, as well as Justice Ministry employee Haroon al-Muqaibli, were sentenced to five months in prison last September in connection with an article that alleged corruption within the Ministry of Justice.

On 31 December, an appeal court in the capital Muscat upheld the sentences, along with a court order that Azzamn be closed for one month.

The charges stem from an article by Yusef al-Haj alleging that his source, Haroon al-Muqaibli, was the victim of corruption inside the Ministry of Justice. For five years Haroon al-Muqaibli was paid lower than his rank and was refused the correct wage despite his repeated complaints.

Silencing Azzamn and jailing its staff for publishing information that is in the public interest will have a chilling effect on all journalists in Oman,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa....."

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