Sunday, January 29, 2012

Syria hurtling towards a bloodier crisis

Uprising has reached Damascus but Assad regime isn't giving in – and unless Russia agrees UN can't do much

Ian Black
, Middle East editor, Sunday 29 January 2012

"Syria's uprising stands poised between intensifying international diplomacy that may achieve little and escalating violence that is taking events on the ground to a new and menacing level.

After heavy casualties across the country at the weekend, the focus moves on Tuesday to the UN security council where Arab and western governments are trying to persuade President Bashar al-Assad to step down. Extraordinary scenes of armed rebellion in the suburbs of Damascusfilmed by the BBC, CNN and others in the last few days – have underlined both the gravity of the challenge to the regime and the determination of its opponents to carry on.....

And the signs are that the Syrians are already re-imposing the media blackout they maintained for most of the past 10 months. Journalists allowed in on short visas in recent weeks – including the Guardian – were there in partial fulfilment of Assad's deal with the Arab League. But that is now in tatters. BBC and CNN crews have left Damascus....

The stakes could hardly be any higher for the bloodiest current chapter of the Arab spring. "The coming few days are critical for #Syria revolution," tweeted activist Wissam Tarif. "Al Assad will turn this into a massive blood bath and humanitarian crisis.""

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