Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A UN resolution on Syria, even watered down, would hurt Assad

I'd like to see a resolution that calls on the Syrian president (and, the Russians will insist, all armed groups) to stop the violence

Fares Chamseddine
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 31 January 2012

"A UN resolution on Syria, regardless of its content, would be a very important step for the Syrian people in their struggle against Bashar al-Assad's regime. It might be heavily watered down by Russian demands before it can be passed, but it would still be a significant crack in Assad's diplomatic chainmail and a step towards a free and democratic Syria.

It would be naive to expect immediate changes should the resolution see the light of day, but there's no doubt that the regime takes any such action extremely seriously – and has been fighting tooth and nail to prevent a resolution from being passed.....

Still, the Syrian regime has done everything in its power to delay bringing the question of a resolution back to the UN, and that shows this is something which worries them very deeply. Nobody, not even Assad, can take Russia's support for granted, and at some point even the strongest ally could decide that a losing regime is not worth supporting."

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