Thursday, January 12, 2012

Why is it open season on Palestinians in US presidential race?

Hasan Abu Nimah
The Electronic Intifada
Amman 12 January 2012

"The pro-Israel rhetoric of some election hopefuls is so extreme that they make George W. Bush seem reasonable by comparison....

Escalating calls for expulsion of Palestinians

Denying Palestinians’ existence comes as an escalation in a frenzied race in which each candidate tries to show more scorn for the Palestinians, or more hostility and warmongering towards Iran, to appease Israel.

Of course, both Israelis and their US lobby welcome declarations that the West Bank is Israeli, but certainly not with the 2.5 million Palestinian Arabs who live there, as Santorum said. The next step we can therefore expect is for US politicians and candidates to start adopting the calls of Israeli leaders who demand the expulsion of Palestinians altogether...."

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