Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Yemen urged to reject amnesty law for President Saleh and aides

Amnesty International
9 January 2012

"Amnesty International has urged the Yemeni parliament to reject a draft law granting President Ali Abdullah Saleh and his aides immunity from prosecution, after Yemen’s cabinet approved the controversial bill on Sunday.

The draft law, which the country’s parliament is expected to ratify in the coming days, grants President Saleh and anyone who has worked under him amnesty for any crimes committed during his 33-year rule.

An additional clause in the bill means it will be impossible to repeal the law once it is passed.

This is even worse than we feared. Granting President Ali Abdullah Saleh and his allies immunity from prosecution rules out any form of accountability for gross human rights violations that have taken place in Yemen over decades, "said Philip Luther, Amnesty International’s interim Director for the Middle East and North Africa.

"This is a smack in the face for justice, made all the more glaring by the fact that protesters have been calling for an end to impunity since mass protests began in early 2011. The Yemeni Parliament ought to reject this outright,” he said.

“Instead, the parliament should endorse the recommendation made by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and by Amnesty International that an independent international investigation is conducted into continuing human rights violations, " he added....."

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