Monday, February 13, 2012

Bahrain police fire teargas at protesters in Manama

Ahead of anniversary of Shia-led uprising forces launch stun grenades to curb protesters trying to regain Pearl Square, Monday 13 February 2012

"Security forces in Bahrain have fired teargas and stun grenades at protesters trying to occupy Pearl Square in the nation's capital ahead of the first anniversary of the Gulf kingdom's Shia-led uprising.

Thousands of opposition supporters marched through Manama's streets in the largest attempt in months to retake Pearl Square, the central roundabout that served as the epicentre of weeks of protests last year by Bahrain's Shia majority against the ruling Sunni dynasty.

Thousands of riot police and other security forces have staked out positions around the square and across the Gulf island nation to prevent the opposition from staging a mass rally in or near the plaza to mark Tuesday's one-year anniversary of the revolt.

Opposition supporters were undeterred by the authorities' warnings of zero tolerance for anti-government activities around the strategic island that is the home of the US Navy's Fifth Fleet.

"We will not back down," said Nader Abdulimam, who had taken refuge in a house just outside of Manama with other protesters overcome by teargas. "This has gone on for one year and it will go for another year or more."......"

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