Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Blame NATO for the Mess in Libya

By Ramzy Baroud
Palestine Chronicle

".....The Nato allies are concerned, of course. If the Libyan model — regime change from the air — completely fails, their military adventurism in the Middle East will suffer yet another setback. More, the unfolding of the Libyan travesty will continue to reawaken allegations of serious war crimes committed by Nato itself, who supposedly unleashed the war on Libya "to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack".

The Nato war on Libya was commanded by a Canadian, Lt Gen Charles Bouchard. Last June, Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird was quoted as saying that Libya should not be expected to go from "Gaddafi to Thomas Jefferson". He failed to elaborate on what kind of democracy Nato intended to achieve with its 9,600-strikes mission.

To berate Libyans for failing to adhere to human rights is brazen hypocrisy, especially as many of Nato victims are still not fully accounted for. The behaviour of militias, and the unrepresentative NTC are simply a continuation of the very violent legacy set forth by the very Nato countries that are demanding accountability, democracy and the rule of law."

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