Monday, February 13, 2012

Bombings Target Israelis in Both India and Georgia

Common Dreams

"Members of Israel's foreign service were targeted in separate incidents on Monday. A car bomb exploded in New Delhi, India injuring a diplomat and two other people. Nearly simultaneously, according to reports, a car bomb was discovered in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi. That bomb was defused by security personnel.....

Israel Quick to Accuse Iran

From the Associated Press:

Benjamin Netanyahu told a meeting of lawmakers from his Likud Party on Monday that he believed the Iranians were responsible for the attacks in New Delhi and Tbilisi. [...]
Netanyahu said Israel has thwarted other attacks in recent months in Azerbaijan, Thailand and elsewhere.
"In all those cases, the elements behind these attacks were Iran and its protege Hezbollah," he said.
Iran has accused Israel of involvement in a series of killings of officials and scientists involved in its controversial nuclear program....."

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