Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Deal reached to end Khader Adnan’s detention by 17 April, but no confirmation hunger strike has ended

By Ali Abunimah

"Lawyers for Khader Adnan have reached a deal with Israel for Adnan to be released on 17 April, Addameer announced today via Twitter.

Adnan has been on hunger strike for 66 days against his “administrative detention” by Israel without charge or trial. Addameer is a Palestinian prisoners rights group whose lawyers have been closely following Adnan’s case.

According to the deal, Adnan will be released on 17 April – when his current administrative detention order expires – but his admistrative detention order would not be renewed. Israel has typically renewed administrative detention orders repeatedly. As of this moment, it was not confirmed whether or not Adnan had agreed to end his hunger strike.

Some media reports said Adnan had agreed to end his hunger strike, but as of just before 4pm local time in Palestine, Addameer tweeted in Arabic that a lawyer for the group was waiting for permission to visit Adnan to “confirm his decision.”....."

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