Friday, February 3, 2012

Deaths in Egypt protests over football riot

Two killed in Suez and hundreds wounded in Cairo during rallies demanding retribution for deaths in football violence.


"At least two people have been shot and killed in the Egyptian city of Suez, as police used live rounds to hold back crowds during a protest over security forces' failure to prevent a deadly football riot.

Witnesses said fighting broke out at a local police station in the northeastern city in the early hours of Friday, hours after the two male protesters were killed....

Earlier, hundreds of people were injured in the capital, Cairo, after police fired tear gas at protesters who accused the ruling military council of mismanaging the country.

The protesters had taken to the streets in the thousands on Thursday to demand retribution for the deaths of 72 people killed a day earlier during post-football violence in the city of Port Said - violence that most blamed on police inaction.

According to the state health ministry, at least 668 people were wounded in the Cairo clashes.

Al Jazeera’s Sue Turton, reporting from Cairo, said protesters pushed their way towards the barricaded interior ministry building near Tahrir Square, pulling away barbed wire barriers....."

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