Saturday, February 18, 2012

Egypt’s 6th of April calls for recognizing Syria opposition, ousting ambassador

Bikya Masr

"CAIRO: Egypt’s 6th of April Youth Movement demanded that Egypt’s Parliament recognize the opposition Syrian National Council and for Cairo to expel the Syrian Ambassador to Egypt in order to give a strong impetus to the Syrian revolution, which “is [being] faced with a group of Bashar Al Assad`s murderous mercenaries, like other corrupt Arab leaders the blood, amid the silence of neighboring countries” the movement said on Friday.

It comes as hundreds of Syrians have been killed in recent weeks as Damascus continues to shell civilian populations across the country, despite international condemnation of their actions.

The Egyptian youth movement said in a statement on Friday that “all the Arab leaders are corrupt and murderers who loot the money of their countries and kill its citizens, then smile for the cameras and talk about reforms,” stressing that “the times of dictatorship will be gone, and there will come a day that the sun of the Arab Spring would shine all over the region.”

According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, more than 7,200 Syrians have been killed by Assad’s security and military forces since an uprising began in March of last year demanding change and democracy."

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