Friday, February 10, 2012

Egypt’s 6th of April: Feb 11 is beginning of the end for military junta

Bikya Masr

"CAIRO: Egypt’s powerful 6th of April Youth Movement said the movement continues to call for the nationwide general strike scheduled for Saturday, stressing that civil disobedience “is a constitutional and legal right” and a “similar strike took place in 2008,” explaining that this strike is the “beginning of the end to the military rule.”

Their confirmation of their participation in the general strike comes as religious institutions and the military junta in power in Egypt have called the strike plans “destructive” and “un-Islamic.”

Engi Hamdi, a member of the political bureau of the movement said, “the strike is a peaceful means that we use in pressurizing to achieve our demands, and the completion of the revolution,” stressing that it was not the first choice, “but this comes after resorting to marches, demonstrations and sit-ins” did not yield the desired results....."

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