Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Egypt’s al-Azhar says strikes un-Islamic ahead of general campaign

Joseph Mayton 8 February 2012
Bikya Masr

Left: Mubarak's stooge Ahmed el-Tayyab.

"CAIRO: Egypt and the Sunni Islamic world’s most prestigious institute, al-Azhar, has said general strikes and civil disobedience are “un-Islamic” and called on Egyptians not to participate in the massive campaign currently underway to launch a nationwide strike on February 11 by activists.

Al-Azhar’s deputy chief Ismail Shaheen urged Egyptians to maintain work during the day, saying that to stop working, “even for one hour” was un-Islamic and against Shariah, or Islamic law.

Shaheen said that Egyptians who participate in the civil disobedience campaign are “un-patriotic,” calling for other means of protesting, although he did not say what these are specifically, in comments published by state-run al-Ahram newspaper.

Al-Azhar’s Grand Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayyab [the stooge who was appointed by Mubarak!] also said that the strike should not be following, urging Egyptian Muslims to follow the “three duties” required on Earth: “Worship God, take responsibility for their families and work to build this world.”

Ahram said he went on to say that Egyptians should not stop work out of respect “towards themselves, their family, their nation and God.”

However, this has not stopped the campaign from gaining much steam ahead of Saturday’s beginning of the civil disobedience. At least 120 labor groups, student unions and activist movements have stated publicly their willingness to join the countrywide effort to bring the military junta to its knees."

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