Friday, February 3, 2012

The end for Egypt’s military junta

By Joseph Mayton

Bikya Masr

"CAIRO: Don’t mess with football fans. Ever. Egypt’s military junta is learning this right now. As thousands took to the streets in downtown Cairo to demand justice for the 75 people killed on Wednesday night in Port Said following a football match between Egyptian giants al-Ahly and al-Masry, police unleashed the latest tear gas barrage on protesters. It won’t stop their determination.

Throughout the evening, as we stood and watched as the events unfolding reminded us of the clashes that took place in November, on almost the exact street, it became clear that this was not a simple protest....

Public opinion is important in Egypt, where for months the average citizen remained supporting the military. They refused to believe the country’s “honorable” armed forces would kill its own citizens. Now, slowly but surely, it is happening and finally Egyptian protesters will be able to secure the change they desired when they took to the streets in January last year.
The process won’t be easy and we will most likely have eyes burned from tear gas, bodies hit with rubber bullets, but in this latest stand for the revolution, Egypt’s activists and football fans have teamed together, united, to fight back against a year of lies, injustice and killing.

Change is coming. The military is on its way out. Thursday, February 2, 2012 should be seen as the true Revolution 2.0."

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