Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Football prohibited in Islam, fans not martyrs, says Egypt sheikh

By Joseph Mayton
Bikya Masr

"CAIRO: A popular ultra-conservative Salafist sheikh in Egypt has said that the victims at a match in Port Said last week were not “martyrs” and had died in sin because football is forbidden in Islam.

Spokesman of the Salafi Preaching Movement in the country, Sheikh Abdul Moneim al-Shahat, who lost an attempt to enter parliament, said in a speech on Monday that those who were killed in Port Said stadium, did not sacrifice their lives for God.

“They were not in a war fighting for God, they were just having fun. This fun distracts Muslims from worshipping God,” he said in the sermon he gave at a mosque in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria.

Shahat added that the “fun” which victims sought when they went to the stadium is “forbidden in Islam.”......"

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