Wednesday, February 22, 2012

'Foreign journalists killed' in Homs shelling

Marie Colvin and Remi Ochlik reportedly killed in Bab Amr assault as activists warn of humanitarian crisis.


"Two foreign journalists have been killed in Homs, activists say, as shelling of a district of the Syrian city continued amid warnings of an escalating humanitarian crisis.

Omar Shakir, an activist in the city, told Al Jazeera that the deaths of Marie Colvin, a US reporter working for the UK's Sunday Times newspaper, and French photographer Remi Ochlik occurred as a building used by activists as a media centre was shelled on Wednesday.

French government spokeswoman Valerie Pecresse confirmed the names of the slain reporters.

Nine people were reportedly killed in addition to the journalists. Sunday Times photographer Paul Conroy was said to be seriously injured, along with two other reporters.

"We can't even enter the area or the building where the media office is," Abu Jafar, an activist in the city, told Al Jazeera. "There's still heavy bombardment."

Government forces bombarded the Bab Amr neighbourhood for a 20th straight day, according to activists, and fears were growing of a humanitarian crisis in the area.

'Absolutely sickening'

In a phone interview with British broadcaster BBC on Tuesday, Colvin described the situation in the area as "absolutely sickening".

She said she had witnessed the death of a two-year-old boy after he was hit by shrapnel, and said there was a "constant stream of civilians" in the field clinic she visited......"

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