Saturday, February 11, 2012

From 9/11 to 2/11: How Egypt's revolution became the world's

The revolutionaries of the Arab world pioneered strategies of activism that influenced the movements around the globe.

By Mark LeVine

History changes course

In the wake of the ousting of Ben Ali and Mubarak, Western governments and organisations have touted their role in helping to "train" the activists behind the revolutions. The reality was quite different. This generation of activists did not need the West to teach it how to use Facebook or Twitter or build more effective civil society structures. But it was able to use Western NGOs (both independent and government-sponsored) to help strenghten and support the local as well as pan-Arab networks of civil society, who so famously coalesced together in late 2010 with the outbreak of the Tunisian revolution. They were not the necessary condition for revolution, but they certainly helped enable it.

Ultimately, however, far from owing their success in any significant measure to Western tutelage or support, the soon-to-be revolutionaries in the Arab world were, in the second half of the past decade, pioneering strategies and styles of activism that, however influenced by the previous decade of protests globally, added new dimensions that would prove crucial to the initial success of the Arab Spring revolts....."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:19 PM

    This photo is of a pro-Assad, anti-rebel demonstration in Syria as can clearly be seen on the long flags below.

    Deceptive use of photographs by the media is lying.
