Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Invisible Arab: Excerpt from the preface

Read an excerpt from the preface of Marwan Bishara's latest book, The Invisible Arab.

"Christopher Dickey from Newsweek and The Daily Beast said, "Marwan Bishara's The Invisible Arab is the single most perceptive and accessible book I've read about the roots of revolt in the Middle East and the brave, chaotic, exciting and frightening new world they have begun to create."

The following is an excerpt from the preface of The Invisible Arab: The promise and peril of the Arab revolutions.....

..... There is no doubt new media played an important role in the Arab uprising, but the heart of the revolution was made up of people who had long been deemed invisible by dictators as well as by their international sponsors.

For centuries these Arab citizens and their social and political movements have been either unfairly demonised or totally ignored in the West - by both its leaders and the media - who saw the region through the prisms of Israel, oil, terrorism, or radical Islamism. But today's Arabs are presenting a stark contrast to the distortion, disinformation, and outright humiliation heaped upon them. Characterised as unreceptive to democracy and freedom, they are now giving the world a lesson in both."

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