Monday, February 6, 2012

Must we fight imperialism before we get our own freedom ?

I was thinking about it this morning, for silent Arab intellectuals on Syria (and they are a whole bunch ranging from Massad to Ali Abu Nimah ...etc) what would be their stance if one day the US for its own interests decided to side with Palestinians and oppose and reject Israel ? would they welcome it ? would they say "Finally US saw the light ?" or would they say "No US we don't need you, we oppose your imperialism and Zionism" ? 

of course we may never know the answer but I speculate they would be the first to justify their reversal by quoting Malcom X "by any means necessary" and I hope I live long enough to see that day. 

Irony is the regime in Syria is not acting alone, it is getting the political and military support from the "diet imperialist" Russia and Iran , so when you have a super power behind the regime (unlike Iraq) would you not expect the opposition to seek another super power to balance things out ? I mean what are the other choices ? pray for allah ? who is going to Arm the FSA ? who is going to help them out ? this "neither nor" alternative is no alternative but slow death and suicide. In this current world dynamics you need to have a super power behind you , Syrian regime has Russia and China , to expect the Syrian people/opposition to reject help from the west, fight imperialism before they gained their own freedom is naive and pointless.

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