Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The "New" Egypt Looks Exactly the Same as the Old Egypt: Egypt’s former PM Shafiq to make presidential bid, hints at SCAF support

(Shafiq is the one on the right)

Bikya Masr

"CAIRO: Egypt’s former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq announced on Tuesday his candidacy for the presidency, saying that he would submit his nomination papers on March 10, immediately after the opening of the doors for presidential candidates to nominate themselves.....

He gave a quick overview about his background, civil and military career, and stressed that he is proud that he served as one of the veterans of the armed forces.

Shafiq defended his candidacy, despite the controversy looming around it, as he served as the Minister of Civil Aviation and, the former prime minister during the January 25 Revolution, before the ouster of the President Hosni Mubarak.

He hinted at the support of Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi for his candidacy, saying that he has known him for the past 20 years, and he is a “good friend.”

“I spoke with him about my candidacy informally as a friend, and I would have withdrawn my candidacy if he had told me not to run,” The state-run MENA news agency reported.

He denied that he is the military council’s candidate and stressed that the council “is not nominating anyone in particular for the post.”......"

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