Saturday, February 4, 2012

Syria: '300 killed' as regime launches huge attack on besieged city of Homs

Massive artillery barrage comes as Russia and China veto UN security council resolution calling on president to step down

Martin Chulov, and Paul Harris in New York, Saturday 4 February 2012

"The Syrian city of Homs was left reeling on Saturday from harrowing accounts of a massacre that has left hundreds of people dead. Residents of the besieged city said that at least 300 people had been killed in a massive regime artillery barrage, the most deadly attack of the 11-month uprising.

The reports described horrific scenes in a city that has suffered most from recent violence, but not previously experienced a bombardment on this scale. Homs is divided almost in two, with Alawites, who are loyal to the regime, on one side and Sunni Muslims, who want to oust Assad, on the other......"

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