Friday, February 24, 2012

Syria: Humanitarian access urged in Homs

24 February 2012

"Humanitarian aid agencies must be allowed immediate and unhindered access to Homs and other affected areas, Amnesty International said today.

The Bab ‘Amr district of the city has come under intensive shelling for more than 17 days, during which time Amnesty International has received the names of 465 people reported to have been killed in Homs.

“The accounts we are hearing from Homs are increasingly dire, with people lacking the most basic amenities,” said Ann Harrison, interim Deputy Director of Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Programme.

“The Syrian authorities must immediately cease this relentless bombardment and allow full, immediate and unhindered humanitarian access to affected areas."

Residents of Bab ‘Amr have told Amnesty International that the shelling and exchanges of fire have destroyed the electricity and water networks, and there is little prospect of them being restored...."

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