Sunday, February 5, 2012

Syria on brink of civil war as diplomacy fails to dislodge Assad

As Arab countries lose patience with diplomatic effort, Qatar rumoured to be arming Free Syrian Army with Saudi blessing

Ian Black, Middle East editor, Sunday 5 February 2012

"....Perhaps, though, suggested analyst Rime Allaf, there is a silver lining. "Russia's veto showed that Assad's supporters are not really prepared to negotiate," she said. "Everything is clearer now that we know – even if things will get worse." On the ground, the activists of the local co-ordination committees and the fighters of the Free Syrian Army already sound more defiant. "In the coming days, many Syrians are going to do a lot of soul-searching ultimately leading to a decision to support armed struggle," one activist tweeted. "We have to depend solely on Syrians to liberate ourselves," insisted another. "Where do I donate to buy arms for the Free Syrian Army?" asked a third.

Overnight, demonstrations in the suburbs of Damascus – in solidarity with Homs and in support of the FSA –displayed growing readiness to risk everything. But the balance of forces between the regime and even its armed opponents remains terrifyingly unequal. In Homs, BBC correspondent Paul Wood reported from inside the city, it was a battle of "Kalashnikovs versus tanks."......

But its hawkish vanguard is losing patience. Qatar, the wealthy dynamo of regional diplomacy, is already rumoured to be arming the FSA with Saudi blessing. Senator Joe Lieberman, the former US democratic presidential candidate, welcomed the idea too. Further militarisation could see Syria becoming a battleground in a proxy war between the Gulf Arabs and Iran, Assad's only regional ally. Many see parallels with Libya – though Syria's opposition is fragmented and has no stronghold like Benghazi from which to fight the regime......"

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