Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Syria: Russia on the wrong side

Moscow must now set out how to broker a credible alternative to the Arab League plan that it has done so much to destroy

The Guardian, Monday 6 February 2012

".....Russia has put itself on the wrong side of the argument. But its foreign minister and its spy chief are both in Damascus today for talks with the Syrians. They have an opportunity to prove that the Syrian tail does not wag the Russian dog. Russia always protests that it has the interests of the Syrian people at heart. So let it give a clear sign today that this is true. Let it make clear, before it is too late, that it refuses to be the Assad regime's protector against its own people. Let Russia make clear whether it is part of the problem or the solution. Russia must now show precisely how it proposes to broker a credible alternative to the Arab League plan that it has just done so much to destroy."

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