Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tempers flare as Brotherhood blocks protests

The poster quotes the supreme guide of the MB, during the Mubarak era, as saying that the MB supports Mubarak's running for president again and that the MB would like to sit with him!!

Al-Masry Al-Youm

"Muslim Brotherhood members prevented hundreds of protesters from reaching the Parliament building in downtown Cairo on Tuesday as part of the so-called “Tuesday of Determination” demonstrations to demand an accelerated transfer of power to civilians.*

Protesters turned their chants against the Muslim Brotherhood after Brotherhood supporters formed a human chain....

But the chants of “Down with military rule” quickly turned to “Down with the Muslim Brotherhood” when protesters encountered members of the group who were blocking their path. The group’s Freedom and Justice Party controls about 43 percent of the People’s Assembly....

“The transformation of the Muslim Brotherhood to a new Central Security Force is a real shame, this is a historic mistake that tarnishes the whole history of the Muslim Brotherhood,” said Hamed al-Defrawy, a former leading Muslim Brotherhood member who left the group in 2010, as he observed the standoff between the Brotherhood and protesters.....

The crowd accused the Brotherhood of selling out the revolution for the sake of a deal with the military rulers.

The Brotherhood and the military are two sides that you cannot trust,” screamed the crowd.

“The Brotherhood had certain demands, which they have now achieved. Now they don’t want to fight for the other demands of the revolution,” said Hassan Aboul Enein, who arrived at Parliament with the march from Maspero.

Since the FJP acquired a majority in Parliament, revolutionaries have begun to suspect the existence of a secret deal between FJP and the ruling military council, one which would transfer power to the Brotherhood while exempting the military from prosecution......"

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