Sunday, February 5, 2012

UN: Russia, China Vetoes Betray Syrian People

Human Rights Watch
February 4, 2012

"(New York) – Vetoes by Russia and China of the UN Security Council resolution on Syria are a betrayal of the Syrian people, Human Rights Watch said today. A resolution urging the Syrian government to end all human rights violations and cooperate with the UN commission of inquiry and the Arab League observer mission was approved by 13 council members, including India, South Africa, and Pakistan, before being vetoed.

“After weeks of Russian diplomatic games-playing and in the middle of a bloodbath in Homs, vetoes by Moscow and Beijing are simply incendiary,” said Philippe Bolopion, UN director at Human Rights Watch. “Vetoes by Russia and China are not only a slap in the face of the Arab League, they are also a betrayal of the Syrian people.”

The death toll had more than doubled since Russia and China vetoed a previous Syria resolution on October 4, according to United Nations figures. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights reported 5,400 dead in December, but as the country descends into chaos, her office stopped counting for lack of accurate figures. Human Rights Watch warned the government of President Bashar al-Assad, blamed for the majority of the killings, against interpreting this double veto as a green light for even more violence.

“The Russian government is not only unapologetically arming a government that is killing its own people, but also providing it with diplomatic cover,” Bolopion said. “But the failure of this resolution should not provide illusory comfort to the Assad government: most countries around the world and in Syria’s neighborhood are repulsed by its bloody repression campaign.”....."


  1. why are you such a fucking liar? I see video after video of Syrian civilians making the statements that it is the FSA (fake syrian army) doing the civilian slaughters, then filming it while saying Assad did it.

    You make me sick, and the Syrian people do not want your lies.

  2. Bashar Assad is your God BunBun4life,

    You worship a human being and Assad's family who shit all day and who need food like everyone else. What a foolish religion. You following Alawism makes you a foolish beinh,go be his toilet cleaner and cleanse your body with his urine, if thats what you believe. Alawites are cults and imbreds who blindly worship a human being Asad without question. The man is a killer and totalitarian dictator, who like other dictators will fall as history teaches us. Absolute power currupts absolutely. I pray that this oppressor gets humilated in this life and the next. I dua Allah swt give relief to the syrian people, their.children and may they be protected and increase their imaan and faith. I dua and pray that are muslim people do not let them down.
