Wednesday, March 7, 2012

UN envoy visits battered Homs district

Valerie Amos, in Syria for talks aimed at securing humanitarian access, saw city that was 'completely devastated'.


"The United Nations' humanitarian affairs chief has visited the battered Syrian opposition neighbourhood of Bab Amr, in Homs, finding it largely deserted of inhabitants, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), who arranged the visit, has told Al Jazeera.

Valerie Amos followed a delegation from the Syrian Arab Crescent into the district, after first receiving approval from the government, ICRC spokesman Saleh Dabbakeh told Al Jazeera.

She saw a city that was "completely devasted", her spokesperson said.

Amos heard gunfire during her visit, and was denied entry into areas that were under opposition control, despite being promised by the Syrian foreign minister earlier in the day that she could visit any part of the country, Amanda Pitt, the spokesperson, said......"

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