Thursday, April 26, 2012

Egypt’s 6th of April says Saudi lying over Gizawi

Bikya Masr

"Egypt’s political movement 6th of April protested the Saudi Arabian Kingdom’s drug smuggling accusation on Egyptian human rights lawyer Ahmed al-Gizawi, calling the royal family “liars” and demanding that the Saudi authorities release the surveillance tape of his arrest.

In a statement issued early Wednesday, the political office of the influential movement lashed out against the ultra-conservative kingdom, saying that the new Egypt will not tolerate the humiliations of any of its citizens.

“Everyone should forget Mubarak’s Egypt, we are not second-class citizens and everyone should fear the new revolutionary Egypt that will preserve its people’s dignity,” said Engy Hamdy, member of the political office of the group.

“It is as if Mubarak and Soliman passed their experience in framing people to the Saudi side,” Hamdy added in the written statement.

The group accused the Saudi authorities of lying about the charges and demanded they release the video capturing the procedures of arresting Gizawi.

Gizawi’s wife, who was accompanying him when he was arrested, told Egyptian TV that her husband was arrested before the luggage was searched. The group said that not releasing the video proves that the Saudis are “liars.”

The group announced the end of its participation of the protests outside the Saudi Embassy in Giza late on Tuesday and announced its return on Wednesday noon to continue pressure on the Saudis.

The group took part in the protest alongside many other national groups in condemning the arrest and the allegations, and demanding the release not only of Gizawi, but of all Egyptians imprisoned in the kingdom....."

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