Thursday, April 19, 2012

Egypt’s Samira Ibrahim named TIME influential person

Bikya Masr

"Egyptian activist Samira Ibrahim was chosen as one of TIME Magazine’s 100 most influential persons of the year. Ibrahim who battled the state and its military for over a year as a result of the virginity tests she and six women went through after their arrest in March 2011, recently lost the case, with the military court acquitting the doctor and those involved in the tests.

Actress and UN peace ambassador and an advocate to end violence against women Charlize Theron wrote on why Ibrahim was added to this year’s list.

Too often women suffer in silence; their struggles stay hidden behind forced smiles and stoic faces. This is not something Samira Ibrahim is willing to allow. After Egyptian soldiers detained her and subjected her and other female protesters to forced ‘virginity tests,’ the 25-year-old marketing manager refused to stay silent. She sued the military, and in December a civilian judge ruled the humiliating practice illegal. Her fight is not over, though: In March, a military tribunal acquitted the doctor who allegedly performed the ‘virginity tests.’ Samira has sworn to pursue the case using international law,” Theron wrote......."

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