Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Israel to free Palestinian detainee as prisoners launch mass hunger strike

Amnesty International
17 April 2012

"The expected release of Palestinian Khader Adnan after four months in Israeli custody without charge or trial coincides with a mass prisoner hunger strike which Amnesty International says demonstrates anger over administrative detention and prison conditions.

Adnan, a 34-year old baker allegedly linked to Islamic Jihad, is due to be released in a deal between his lawyers and the Israeli authorities in February in which he agreed to end his 66-day hunger strike protesting at his administrative detention and ill-treatment.

He had been held since December 2011.

On Tuesday more than a thousand prisoners began an open-ended hunger strike to mark Palestinian Prisoners’ Day and protest against the practice of administrative detention, denial of family visits, and conditions of detention.

“Without revealing evidence to justify holding him, the Israeli authorities continued to hold Khader Adnan after he agreed to end his hunger strike, forcing him to languish longer in detention without charge or trial while his life was in danger,” said Ann Harrison, Deputy Middle East and North Africa Director at Amnesty International.

“The Israeli authorities must cease the practice of holding individuals in administrative detention, and ensure Palestinians in their custody are not subjected to ill-treatment and have access to adequate medical care when needed.”

Adnan’s action inspired Hana Shalabi, 30, who went on a 43-day hunger strike in protest at her own administrative detention and ill-treatment by Israeli authorities.

On 1 April, the Israeli military authorities released her to the Gaza Strip in a deal reached with her lawyer, who represents the Palestinian Prisoner Society.

Amnesty International remains concerned that Shalabi’s transfer to the Gaza Strip may have amounted to a forcible transfer or deportation. She has no possibility of returning home to the occupied West Bank for at least three years......"

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