Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Palestinian Pundit Upgrade Complete

I hope you like this new look and feel of the blog. We always pride ourselves by our contents and Tony does an incredible job doing most the updates. Enjoy reading and Thank you for your support.


  1. Anonymous9:12 PM

    right on. hopefully the comments will appear on the right as opposed to the bottom of the whole blog

  2. الله محى ترابك يا فلسطيين

  3. Awesome (coincidentally also the name of the template)! I see you got rid of JS-Kit(Echo). Not a bad thing since they're going to charge for their services from October.

  4. Google did most of the work :)

  5. Sorry to hear that echo will be leaving now, I still miss haloscan.

  6. فين الجديد ... ؟؟

  7. joe anon110:18 AM

    be sure to have lots of commentary, wisdom, humor, from your anti zionist zionist supremacist jew and continue commentary from the bought and paid for puppet arabs.

    this site is invaluable as a mouthpiece for imperialists and zionists.

  8. Thanks to Zarathustra and his wife for a job well done.

    We will be adding more features (a poll perhaps?) as we proceed.

    Please feel free to offer suggestions
