Thursday, April 19, 2012

Photos of Soldiers Posing With Afghan Corpses the Latest Outrage Over U.S. Occupation of Afghanistan

Democracy Now!

"We get reaction to two photographs published by the Los Angeles Times that show U.S. soldiers posing with the corpses and body parts of dead Afghans. "They keep talking about rotten apples,” says journalist Anand Gopal of the Pentagon’s attempts to distance itself from the images. “But you have to wonder how many rotten apples you have to see before you realize that the tree itself is a problem.” Meanwhile, several NATO allies have promised to underwrite Afghanistan’s armed forces after foreign troops depart. The United States and other nations plan to retreat from Afghanistan by the end of 2014 and hand the security issue over to Afghan security forces. "If we don’t address the agreements that the U.S. and Australian governments and other governments are making for long-term war strategy in Afghanistan, we are heading for an increase in violence in this part of the world … more serious than the Kabul attacks," says Hakim, Coordinator for Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers, based in Kabul, Afghanistan....."

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